Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Homemade Dishwasher Powder

One day, I was curious to read what was in my dishwasher product, and when I read there was some type of  bleach in it, it stopped me right away. Why would we want to put that in our dishes?? In fact, why would we put any type of bleach in our water?? (for any use) because, what you put in water will all come back to you. Nothing disappear!! So, I decided to look for a dishwasher power, and I found 2.
I have to say that I am very happy with the results.

Recipe 1:
2 cups washing soda
1 cup borax
1 cup baking soda.

Shake it well, and then use 2 tablespoon per load (if residue on glass, use 1.5 tablespoon). I personnaly use a bit less than 1.5. (it leaves the dishes very clean. The glasses might not be a transparent shiny, but when I take them out of the dishwasher I dry them with a cloth and that does the trick. And most of the time I don't do it as to me they look perfectly fine.

Recipe 2:
2 cups washing soda
2 cup borax
6 tablespoons citric acid powder (can be found in health stores)
25 drops grapefruit essential oil
Mix with fingers the oil with the powder, and then shake it. Follow the same directions as above.

I found all my ingredients online at www.soapgoods.com

I started with the first recipe for a few months and then switch to the second recipe. The main reason? It is because it smells so good, but both of them work great.

Try it, it really is great :-)

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