Thursday, November 25, 2010

Burned Pots and Pans; and how to remove wax off fruits/vegetables

I wish you all a very happy thanksgiving. I bet lots of you will do some cooking. And if some of you are like me, then you might burn some of your food. There is nothing worse than a burn pot. In the past, I tried everything, all type of chemicals, but I usually had to say goodbye to my pot. Until I discovered a great recipe, where you almost have no scrubbing to do!!!
That's right, easy as can be.

Here is the recipe: How to remove the burned from Pots and Pans

1 -cover the bottom of your pot or pan with baking soda (don't be shy with the quantity, cover it all thickly).
2 - Then pour some vinegar on each (enough that it fuzzes everywhere)
3- Add some dishes soap, just a little bit, like if you were going to wash the pot (I use my castille soap)
4- Put the pot or the pan on the stove and let it warm up, low is good. You don't want to burn it even more, so no high heat.
5- While watching (because that's pretty cool), take a spatula and scrub gently until everything is detached.

So far I have had great luck with this trick. It has worked all the time. Then I take my pan and clean it in the sink.

Removing Wax off fruits and vegetables.

There is one things that is annoying, is to buy organic stuff and have them full of wax. For example, an apple (especially apple in fact), you want to eat it straight out like that, but it has wax on it (that makes it shiny, and people want they fruits to be perfect). I tried to wash them, but it does not go away.
Today, I decided to use baking soda. I took some in my hands and rub the apple, then wash it off under the water, and voila!!! all the wax was gone. Simple and fast, isn't great??

Now,have a great day with friends, family, or just byyourself. But no matter what is your day looking like, make sure that you say thank you to yourself. You are the most important person in the world. Make sure you know it :-)

Happy thanksgiving, and thank you for reading my stuff.


  1. Great tips Sandrine!! Thank you. I have a couple of pans that need a little bit of TLC.


  2. After reading this, I am definitively buying tons of baking soda.

  3. And this is so cheap at Cosco. 10 pounds for a few box.

  4. will it work on enameled cast iron like le crueset?

  5. Amanda, I don't have one so I can't say, but I don't see why it would not work. All it needs is some heat, and the baking soda does not hurt the enamel (think that we use it on our teeth, so I am sure it will be fine on the cast iron :-) ). Once you try, please let me know how it worked for you :-)
