Monday, February 7, 2011

Homemade Rinse agent

I have been using my homemade dishwasher detergent and have been bugged by the fact that I was using Jet Dry for the dish rinser. It is expensive and again not really natural. So, I decided to search around for a recipe and believe that I found one!!!
Here it is. Everything is easy to find.

  • cup white vinegar

  • 1/4 cup alcohol

  • 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide (3%)

  • tablespoons citric acid

  • Mix everything and pour it in. 

    Here are what one person commented about the recipe: 
    We have very hard water and even though I use Jet Dry, my dishes never came out like this....really sparkling, even the flatware. I used wintergreen alcohol and fruit fresh for the citric acid (that's what a pharmacist told me to use). 

    Have fun and be natural!!! :-)

    The original recipe can be found here:

    Tuesday, December 28, 2010

    Homemade Dishwasher Powder

    One day, I was curious to read what was in my dishwasher product, and when I read there was some type of  bleach in it, it stopped me right away. Why would we want to put that in our dishes?? In fact, why would we put any type of bleach in our water?? (for any use) because, what you put in water will all come back to you. Nothing disappear!! So, I decided to look for a dishwasher power, and I found 2.
    I have to say that I am very happy with the results.

    Recipe 1:
    2 cups washing soda
    1 cup borax
    1 cup baking soda.

    Shake it well, and then use 2 tablespoon per load (if residue on glass, use 1.5 tablespoon). I personnaly use a bit less than 1.5. (it leaves the dishes very clean. The glasses might not be a transparent shiny, but when I take them out of the dishwasher I dry them with a cloth and that does the trick. And most of the time I don't do it as to me they look perfectly fine.

    Recipe 2:
    2 cups washing soda
    2 cup borax
    6 tablespoons citric acid powder (can be found in health stores)
    25 drops grapefruit essential oil
    Mix with fingers the oil with the powder, and then shake it. Follow the same directions as above.

    I found all my ingredients online at

    I started with the first recipe for a few months and then switch to the second recipe. The main reason? It is because it smells so good, but both of them work great.

    Try it, it really is great :-)

    Sunday, December 19, 2010

    Flies, shoo away

    Flies, shoo away

    With Seth, my husband,during my first trip to Colorado, we stayed in a little place in Nederland, right above Boulder. It was beautiful.
    We went to the little place to have breakfast and saw that on every door, outside, there was a clear bag with water in it. We thought it was some tool to measure the amount of snow that fell that night, or something like that. Well, wrong we were!!! When I asked what it was for, they said it was for the flies.
    See, in colorado, where we live, there is quite a bit of horses around, and they do attract flies. So, that little bag stappled to the top of the frame door, confused the flies and they do not get in. How clever is that!!!??? No chemical, just plainly water :-)

    However, I just read that there was a test done in university about it, and they found out that the room where there was bad of water hanging was actually attracting more flies. So, I guess this is not the result we are looking for.

    I have to say that we don't have much flies here in my house so I don't have much experience with it. So I only can report what I have found. However, my sister in france found a product that does not kill flies but repell them. It is AMAZING!!! (won't work outside though, that's for inside). It is called  mouchclap (you can find it there:

    Now, if you are just in the garden and flies are bugging you (sort to speak), I found a recipe, and I have to say that it is so difficult to find the products that I decided not even share it (if I can't make it, I don't want to share it).
    So I found another one that is effective as well. How many times, have you heard me saying how much of a fan I am of Lavender oil?? Well, here it comes again. People, have your bottle ready, anytime, anywhere. If you are at home, just soak some rags or ribbon of lavender oil and let them hang around where you are. Bugs do not like lavender. (you might wonder, well, what about the bees, they love lavender!! Well, I learned that it is not the smell that brings them to lavender, but the color. Yes my friends, the bees' favorite color is purple. So if you plan to be on a summer day near bees, do not wear purple, they will love you :-)

    Here is another thing I have found:
    Make natural fly repellent strips. Many essential oils are naturally effective at repelling flies. Some of these include, citronella, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemongrass and lavender. Cut several strips of fabric from old clothing. Dot each strip with several drops of your essential oil of choice. Hang the strips around the perimeter of your campsite to repel flies and a host of other insects.

    Saturday, December 11, 2010

    Make your bathroom smell pretty

    Here comes the holidays with parties, lots of people in your home and lots of bathrooms usages. So here is a good tip on how to make your bathroom smells good.

    Just put a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the roll of the toilet paper (not on the paper itself, but inside the round carton). And everytime someone uses the roll, the smells comes out. Easy, no?

    Of course you can also use pot pourri, but if you are like me, it dries out, is not very pretty, makes a mess with the cats, takes room on the counter..... so go for a few drops of essential oils :-)

    Happy holidays :-)

    Thursday, December 2, 2010

    Skin burn and bites

    Today I decided to bake a cake with the kids. And as I was taking the cake out, I burned myself with the oven. I am clumsy, what can I say. So, here is what you need to do when you burn yourself. Put some Lavender essential oil on it. Yes, I said it before, this oil is the best thing you can have around you.
    Don't be shy on it, just rub it until it feels better. Of course, I am not talking about 3rd degree burns (those, you need to go to hospital right away). This has worked every time, from oven burn, oil that jumps out of the pan and so on.

    Also, another great use in the same area is when you get stung by an insect. I was amazed on how quick it works. One night, in provence, I woke up to go to the bathroom. The kids were sleeping in the same bed as I so I did not put the light on. When I went back to bed, while I was siting down, I felt a sudden burn in my knee!! Darn it hurt!!! So, too bad for the kids, I turned on the light and looked for my purse to get the lavender essential oil. I rubbed and rubbed and eventually (after a few minutes) the pain was gone and we could barely see anything. It was a wasp (guepe in french). The next day, I could not see anything, except a red dot.
     Then a few week later, Timo, my 7 years old son, got stung also by a wasp while in the shower, between the legs. He was just screaming. Well, the good news is that lavender works great on kids too. After a few minutes the pain went away (I did not know if he was allergic or not, so I monitored it in the middle of the night with a flashlight and there was nothing to be seen).

    Have fun with your lavender. And have a good smell too :-)

    Sunday, November 28, 2010

    Hand Sanitizer, all natural Lavender.

    I never liked hand sanitizer as is it better to have microbes on your hands, or have bunch of chemicals that then you put in your mouth. Have you ever tried to taste it? It is awful and just does not seem right.

    So I have the perfect solution for you: Lavender Essential Oil.
    In fact, if there is ONE oil that you need to have at hand at all time, Lavender is the one. I have a few bottles around the house and always one in my purse. I use it all the time for so many different uses, which I will share with you as my posts come.

    So back to hand sanitizer: Just put a few drops in the hands and rub them together. It smells great, and kills all the germs. Great, no??? No more of that nasty chemical hand sanitizer.

    Here is some information about Lavender oil: It acts as an antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-fungal.
    It is used for hundreds of recipes and conditions. It is easy to buy, you can find it in every health store. Also, this is one of the few essential oils that can be used on babies.

    Thursday, November 25, 2010

    Burned Pots and Pans; and how to remove wax off fruits/vegetables

    I wish you all a very happy thanksgiving. I bet lots of you will do some cooking. And if some of you are like me, then you might burn some of your food. There is nothing worse than a burn pot. In the past, I tried everything, all type of chemicals, but I usually had to say goodbye to my pot. Until I discovered a great recipe, where you almost have no scrubbing to do!!!
    That's right, easy as can be.

    Here is the recipe: How to remove the burned from Pots and Pans

    1 -cover the bottom of your pot or pan with baking soda (don't be shy with the quantity, cover it all thickly).
    2 - Then pour some vinegar on each (enough that it fuzzes everywhere)
    3- Add some dishes soap, just a little bit, like if you were going to wash the pot (I use my castille soap)
    4- Put the pot or the pan on the stove and let it warm up, low is good. You don't want to burn it even more, so no high heat.
    5- While watching (because that's pretty cool), take a spatula and scrub gently until everything is detached.

    So far I have had great luck with this trick. It has worked all the time. Then I take my pan and clean it in the sink.

    Removing Wax off fruits and vegetables.

    There is one things that is annoying, is to buy organic stuff and have them full of wax. For example, an apple (especially apple in fact), you want to eat it straight out like that, but it has wax on it (that makes it shiny, and people want they fruits to be perfect). I tried to wash them, but it does not go away.
    Today, I decided to use baking soda. I took some in my hands and rub the apple, then wash it off under the water, and voila!!! all the wax was gone. Simple and fast, isn't great??

    Now,have a great day with friends, family, or just byyourself. But no matter what is your day looking like, make sure that you say thank you to yourself. You are the most important person in the world. Make sure you know it :-)

    Happy thanksgiving, and thank you for reading my stuff.